Alternative Treatments for TMJ

A young woman with TMJ pain holds her jaw in front of a black background.

Alternative Treatments for TMJ

Living with TMJ (short for “temporomandibular joint dysfunction”) can be a draining experience. The nagging pain in your jaw, the headaches, and those annoying clicking or popping sounds you hear when you open your mouth can affect your overall quality of life. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you are probably looking for some good ways to ease that discomfort and get back to feeling like yourself again.

At Mitchell Dental Spa, Dr. Margaret Mitchell offers different treatments, including TMJ Botox, to help you find some relief and get back to living your best life. With years of experience as a TMJ specialist in Chicago, she offers personalized care and uses the latest technology to treat TMJ problems effectively.

TMJ explained!

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, which is the hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. It lets you move your jaw up and down and side to side so you can chew, talk, and yawn. But sometimes, if this joint or the muscles around it get irritated or hurt, you might end up with TMJ dysfunction.

The symptoms can really vary from person to person. You might feel pain in your jaw or soreness in your face, get frequent headaches, have trouble chewing, or notice a clicking or popping sound when you move your mouth. For some people, the discomfort can be relatively mild and only show up now and then. But for others, TMJ dysfunction can be a lot more intense and can really get in the way of their daily life.

Common causes of TMJ

TMJ can be triggered by a number of factors, and it is important to understand what may be causing your discomfort so you can find the best treatment. Some of the most common causes include:

Jaw injuries — Injuries to your jaw or face can affect the joint’s function, causing pain and stiffness.

Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism) — This is when you unconsciously grind or clench your teeth, usually while you are sleeping or when you are feeling stressed or anxious. This habit can put a lot of pressure on your jaw joint, which can cause some problems. If it keeps happening, it can lead to discomfort, pain, and TMJ dysfunction.

Arthritis — Arthritis can affect different joints in your body, and your temporomandibular joint is no exception. When arthritis develops in the TMJ, it can cause pain and limited movement in your jaw.

Misaligned teeth — If your bite is not aligned properly, it can cause strain on your jaw muscles and joints.

Stress — Stress is something we all deal with, and it can show up in our bodies in different ways. One major consequence of being stressed for a long time is that your muscles, especially around the jaw, can get tight. This muscle tension can make your TMJ symptoms worse.

How to manage TMJ at home?

If you are experiencing mild TMJ symptoms, there are some easy remedies you can try at home:

Rest your jaw — An easy way to manage TMJ pain is to rest your jaw. Avoid tough, chewy foods like steak or bagels that need a lot of effort to chew and can put extra strain on your jaw joint.

Apply heat or cold — Alternating between hot and cold compresses can really help with the pain and swelling from TMJ dysfunction. The heat helps to relax those tight jaw muscles, improving blood flow and flexibility. On the other hand, the cold numbs the area, giving immediate relief from pain and reducing any swelling.

Over-the-counter medications — Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help with pain and swelling around the joint.

Gentle jaw exercises — Doing some simple stretches and exercises to strengthen and relax your jaw muscles can also help. Consult with a TMJ specialist to learn proper techniques so you don’t accidentally make your symptoms worse.

These methods might provide some relief from minor discomfort associated with TMJ disorders, but they may not provide long-lasting relief. If your TMJ symptoms stick around or get worse over time, you might want to look into some more advanced treatment options.

What to do when home treatments don’t work for TMJ?

If the home remedies and treatments you have been trying are not working, you should talk to a qualified TMJ specialist in Chicago, IL, who can identify the root causes of your TMJ and recommend more targeted treatments. Depending on your symptoms, Dr. Mitchell may recommend the following:

Mouth guard for TMJ — If you grind or clench your teeth, a custom mouth guard can protect your jaw from the harmful habit of bruxism. This special dental device is meant to be worn while you sleep and can ease the pressure on your jaw. This prevents damage and gives you a more restful sleep as well.

Physical therapy for TMJ — Some targeted exercises to stretch and strengthen your jaw muscles can also reduce pain and restore normal function. If it seems like a good option for you, Dr. Mitchell may refer you to a physical therapist.

Anti-inflammatory medications for TMJ — If inflammation is a big issue, prescription medications may be used to reduce swelling and ease pain.

TMJ Botox — Botox is best known for its cosmetic applications, but it is increasingly being used for the treatment of TMJ disorders. At Mitchell Dental Spa, Dr. Margaret Mitchell uses Botox to treat TMJ symptoms. With Botox injections, she relaxes the overactive jaw muscles, which helps reduce the tension that can cause pain and discomfort. The effects of these Botox treatments usually last three to six months or longer in some cases!

The benefits of seeing a TMJ specialist

TMJ issues can be hard to diagnose and treat since their symptoms usually overlap with other conditions like headaches, earaches, and even toothaches. Given this symptom overlap, it is very important to see a specialist who can accurately diagnose TMJ and create a treatment plan just for you.

At Mitchell Dental Spa, Dr. Margaret Mitchell takes a holistic approach to diagnosing TMJ disorders. Whether you need a mouth guard, TMJ Botox, or other therapies, Dr. Mitchell is here to help you find a solution that works for you and gives you lasting relief.

Say goodbye to TMJ pain with Botox!

At Mitchell Dental Spa, Dr. Margaret Mitchell will help you find relief from TMJ through treatments like Botox. Life is better with a pain-free smile, and Dr. Mitchell is here to help you achieve it. Call (312) 642-1014 now or book an appointment online today!


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